How to Create Awesome Social Media Posts

We all wish there were a magic formula we could follow to create Facebook posts that our fans love or tweets that spark retweets by the thousands. Alas, there isn’t.


Each social network operates a little differently, and each brand’s fans have their own tastes and preferences.

Although there isn’t a general foolproof formula, PR Daily has a guide that can help you craft the best social media updates and posts possible. An infographic from My Clever Agency provides basic guidelines for creating effective Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+ posts.

Here are a few of the tips:


  • Avoid human faces. Images without human faces get repinned 23 percent more often than images with faces.
  • Look for red. Images that are predominantly red or orange see twice as many repins as other images.


  • Be positive. Positivity is more appealing and inspiring for your fans, and it will encourage them to share your post.
  • Provide a link. Drive fans to your website. After all, your Facebook page exists to support your business.


  • Tag people. When appropriate, tag brands and people in your posts to encourage them to comment or engage with you.
  • Include large images. Don’t settle for the tiny photo that automatically appears when you include a link in a post. Upload a larger one to grab people’s attention.

Check out the graphic to see the full guide:


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