Manjgura is participating in the Good deeds month!

For the third consecutive year, the central part of April is dedicated to marking Good Deeds Day in the whole world. Croatia can be proud that once again, in terms of the number of participants, it ranks among the leading countries in the world. Organized by the association “Children for a Better World”, everyone is invited to do a good deed for someone in need during April, whether it’s a family member, friend, organization, or simply our environment.

This year, we are proud that Manjgura is providing communication support to enhance the visibility of the entire project!

How did it all start?

The story of Good Deeds Day began in 2007 at the initiative of an Israeli non-profit organization with a mission to unite people to help their community and  environment. Thus, in the first-ever Good Deeds Day, 7,000 volunteers participated, and in the following years, the project grew and gained international character, with over 4 million people participating in 110 countries worldwide.

How does it all work?

Participation is very simple, since good deeds include various activities such as cleaning parks and playgrounds, helping elderly neighbors, tree planting actions, donating clothes we no longer wear, or donating blood. You can participate by coming up with your own activity, or you can join existing activities organized by volunteer associations. To achieve official registration, each activity needs to be registered on the Good Deeds Day website. After completing the activity, it is recommendable to photograph your contribution and post it on social media using the hashtags #gooddeedsday and #doinggood. When these materials are sent to the association at, a T-shirt is received as a souvenir for participating in the event.

Reforestation action in Slunj, Source: Facebook page Children for a better world

The association “Children for a Better World” comes from Samobor and it is a partner of the global association “Good Deeds Day”. It functions as the main organizer of this event in Croatia. The association often announces on its Facebook page numerous free activities such as tree planting, painting with children, camping in nature, reforestation, and similar. Its founder, Leo Petrov, emphasized the positive cooperation with various stakeholders while organizing Good Deeds Day: “So far, we have established numerous positive cooperations with counties, with over 50 Croatian cities, about 100 different associations and volunteer centers, with a multitude of schools and kindergartens. Last year, 16,000 participants joined  over 200 different projects, and this year we expect even more!”

How April became the month of doing good deeds

When we sat down with Leo to determine the main goals in promoting this event, it became clear to us that good deeds are simple actions in which everyone can participate. Leo’s desire was for Croatia to move away from the established path of one-day marking of good deeds this year. The argument is simple; although the whole world marks April 14th as the day of doing good deeds, we want to make it clear to everyone that there is more to it than just one day.

Based on this idea, Manjgura promoted the story that in Croatia, good deeds will be done throughout the month of April. This way, participants are not limited to a specific date. After all, if an individual does a small good deed every day, such an action can easily become a habit. Based on all of this, we launched a campaign on social media and sent press releases to the media.

We would like to highlight several events organized by the association “Children for a Better World” that particularly marked April as the month of good deeds. Namely, on April 14th in Samobor, Renata Končić Minea held a concert, marking the Good deeds day, and besides entertainment, participants were given the opportunity to donate food, groceries, and other necessities to various associations.

Associations present at the concert

Associations present at the concert

It was nice to see the young ones getting involved…

Kids helping out and participating in the Good Deeds Day, Source: Facebook page Children for a better world

…and the big ones as well!

Members of the Nordic Walking Club of the Association of Pensioners from Prelog in a cleaning action, Source: Facebook page Children for a Better World

Join in!

We can proudly say that Manjgura contributed to this event and through our given time and advice, we secured a media coverage of the whole project. We are extremely pleased that Leo approached us for our help because we now realize that volunteering involves simple actions that we can carry out every day. A record number of participants have already signed up for the project, with a predicted number of 17,000. It’s not too late for you to be part of this story too, come up with your activity or join the work of an association and sign up on the Good Deeds Day website.

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