Project Cancer Fighters (Croatia Against Cancer) in the Finals of MIXX Awards as One of the Best Communication Projects

The prestigious MIXX competition, developed under the IAB license, selects the best domestic communication projects that lead the industry with their creativity, strategy, performance, media use, and achieved results. This year, our project Cancer Fighters (Croatia Against Cancer, in Croatian Rakoborci – Hrvatska protiv raka) qualified for the finals of the Cross-Media Integration Campaign category.

Manjgura executed the project Rakoborci for Coalition of health associations and association EVERYTHING for HER last year when the priority of the clients was the adoption of the National Cancer Strategic Framework by 2030 (NCSF).

Although the Parliament defined a deadline of one year in 2009 for the adoption of the Plan against Cancer, five governments have changed and none of them met that goal. At the end of 2020, Croatia was still the only EU member without such a strategic document, and if the year had ended without its adoption, we would have lost the opportunity to use dedicated EU funds for our fight against cancer.

Manjgura managed to achieve the following goals alongside our main goal – the adoption of the NCSF in less than 2 months:

  • Ensure the support of both the executive and the legislature branches
  • Present the topic as non-partisan – by including as many different policy options as possible, a message was sent about the importance of adopting a strategy and the fact that the fight against cancer does not serve to collect political points, but requires support beyond a government’s mandate
  • Position the topic in the media and public space despite the pandemic – in the mainstream media and central news programs
  • Create a long-term sustainable platform for the needs of communication support for the implementation of the NCSF

While this project may be over, the fight against cancer will continue for a long time. We invite you to check out the Hrvatska protiv raka website and become a fan on Facebook to find out how you can help fight cancer, too!

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