Sve što niste željeli znati da se događa na Internetu i oko njega – WikiLeaks and Co
U svjetlu zadnjih vijesti koje je potaknuo WikiLeaks, a tiču se i Hrvatske, dva zanimljiva linka koji već dulje čekaju na objavu pod radno:
The elusive founder of WikiLeaks, who is at the centre of a potential US national security sensation, has surfaced from almost a month in hiding to tell the Guardian he does not fear for his safety but is on permanent alert. Julian Assange, a renowned Australian hacker who founded the electronic whistleblowers’ platform WikiLeaks, vanished when a young US intelligence analyst in Baghdad was arrested. The analyst, Bradley Manning, had bragged he had sent 260,000 incendiary US state department cables on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to WikiLeaks. The prospect of the cache of classified intelligence on the US conduct of the two wars being put online is a nightmare for Washington.
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Obzirom da sam i sam u proteklih nekoliko mjeseci bio predmet interesa policije (a koliko znam, nalog s mojim imenom je otvoren tamo negdje do kolovoza minimalno), nije neko osobito čudo da sam u posljednje vrijeme razvio interes za proučavanje različith zakonskih rješenja u drugim zemljama a koje reguliraju ponašanje i ovlasti policije u ovim high-tech situacijama kao što je bila moja.
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Oznake: internet